My art work invites us to think about Femininity as a constantly evolving spectrum, and invite each woman to have the freedom to explore, question, and embrace her own individuality and celebrate our authenticity beyond the expectations set by others. It is a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and liberation. We can start celebrating our complexity and honoring our authenticity guided by our own inner compass and free from external constraints. It takes time to build who we are but we are on the road doing it great!

The “Parliament of Owls” is a collection of vintage collage art inspired by human inner spiritual-awareness and the connections we have with nature. I get my inspiration from ancient civilizations that had a magic relationship with this bird through human history. Each owl has a personal message inspired by words of Yung Pueblo and my personal experience through the path of life.

A 3D mural is an intervention on the wall to create a multidimensional space with different materials (not only with paint), You can challenge yourself